
Few things are quite as glorious as dozing off outdoors on a deliciously sunny day. Hell, I may have got up at 4am body time this morning, but it was worth it for the sense of wellbeing that I had after my 10-minute mid-morning nap at work. Mind you, that's a first - I don't think I've ever fallen asleep at TVC before, even when nursing a grotesque hangover. But not even the five cups of coffee I had before 10.30 could keep me awake today. And aren't I glad?

British summertime is truly here, even if only for a few days. Everyone seems cheery - especially the giggly lad with the lovely Embra accent from MORI who spent the last 20 minutes grilling me about my leisure activities in London, another first.

And besides everything else, it's perfect weather for John Mayer. "Wonderland" has never sounded so good - and that's saying something.

Maybe Dubya just needs a bit of spring sunshine and good old British cheer to help him work through his issues. He and Saddam could straighten out their differences over a couple of non-alcoholic beverages by the Grand Union. Clear up this war nonsense once and for all.

Isn't life grand?

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