White menace
It's no wonder it's started raining again. Yesterday's local elections were depressing enough to make the whole world want to cry.
I'm not talking about the 500 or so council seats that Iain Duncan Smith and the Tories managed to pick up - like all the analysts say, it's a mild rebellion against the government by mid-term standards, and while plenty of people are happy to trust their towns to the Tories, the majority doesn't really believe the current team is capable of running the country even to Blair's half-arsed standard. Having said that, the ranks of young faces from Conservative Central Office gathered behind IDS as he hailed his "spectacular victory" made for uncomfortable viewing.
Why my contemporaries and our juniors would want to side with such an out-moded party, I can't think, but at least they seem to care about mainstream politics, and ultimately, that's got to be a good thing.
Because they can fight.
Because we're facing a growing force of evil.
The British National Party now have 16 seats on councils around the country, but half of those are in Burnley - making it the second largest party in that authority. Another couple are in Calderdale, West Yorkshire, the place I spent my teenage years, as well as Sandwell, Dudley, Stoke-on-Trent, and Broxbourne in Hertfordshire.
"So what?," some have asked. "It's a handful of extremist nutters who'll get lost among all the other councillors in the country. They're hardly relevant."
I admit it's easy to see them as a fringe group, only making political waves at election time... but that's where the danger lies. It may only be 16 out of the many thousands - of council seats in the UK, but it's still three times more than the BNP had 24 hours ago. And 16 more than they had two years ago. They have to be stopped.
Of course, the BNP claims it's not racist, and those who portray them as being so are telling lies, liberals unwilling to admit the truth, that the white man has become a second class citizen in his own land.
Many of those who admit to voting for them echo the party's belief that it's misunderstood, and that they themselves are not bad people for backing the BNP. "I'm not racist," they say, "but they've got policies I agree with."
So what are these non-racist policies touted by Nick Griffin and his chums?
The BNP favours repatriation of people who aren't British, by which they mean "the native peoples who have lived in these islands since before the Stone Age, and the relatively small numbers of peoples of almost identical stock, such as the Saxons, Vikings and Normans, and the Irish, who have come here and assimilated."
Don't think of them as black-haters or Paki-bashers. It's for everyone's good if the foreigners leave ... especially their own!
"This scenario would benefit not only the native British people, who would secure themselves a homeland, but those of foreign origin who would take invaluable benefits to their own countries by using the skills and money they acquired in Britain to help their lands of native origins develop."
They'd rather not have you think they're in favour of racially motivated attacks, because "the majority of racist attacks in this country are committed against white British people." Oddly enough they don't quote a source for this surprising statistic (probably a government cover-up!), but I'll take them at their word if you will. (Repatriating ethnic minorities will, it has just occurred to me, also substantially cut the UK's murder rate. If there are no blacks here, then the frightening increase in urban black-on-black fatal shootings will stop. Another problem solved!)
And please don't accuse them of being against mixed-race relationships on racist grounds. Although a bit of inter-racial howsyerfather is a definite no-no, they're doing it for the good of diversity and world culture. But I really can't state their case half as well as they can:
"We are against mixed-raced relationships because we believe that all species and races of life on this planet are beautiful and must be preserved. When whites take partners from other ethnic groups, a white family line that stretches back into deep pre-history is destroyed. And, of course, the same is true of the non-white side. We want generations that spring from us to be the same as us, look like us, and be moved by the same things as us. We feel that to preserve the rich tapestry of mankind, we must preserve ethnic differences, not ‘mish-mash’ them together."
Got that? Good.
"We also call for preference in the job market to be given to native Britons."
Now before you accuse them having of anything against employing non-British people on the basis of their race, they understand why you might want to... but you'd be wrong. After all, that's just the way it's been spun by the liberal-left media. They just wish to even up the playing field a bit and "abolish the ‘positive discrimination’ schemes that have made white Britons second-class citizens".
So, if I've got this straight, they don't want them to live here, they don't want them to work here, they certainly don't want them to indulge in a bit of slap and tickle, and they want to build a coalition of white, English-speaking states, but to pull out of the union with those who speak other tongues (although that doesn't mean we shouldn't talk to the white countries).
They also want to solve the situation in Northern Ireland "by welcoming Eire as well as Ulster as equal partners in a federation of the nations of the British Isles." Can someone volunteer to tell them that the very old root of the problem is that the majority of the Irish consider themselves as being different from the British, and resent being told otherwise?
Naturally they see foreign aid as unnecessary, at least in its current form. They reject the idea that "Britain must forever be obliged to subsidise the incompetence and corruption of Third World states by supplying them with financial aid... We will link foreign aid with our voluntary resettlement policy, whereby those nations taking significant numbers of people back to their homelands will need cash to help absorb those returning."
Hands up all those who think this will just make things worse for those countries concerned? But no matter. After all, just because our forefathers screwed the places up to begin with, and our banks financially crippled the fledgling states from day one, doesn't mean we should have to pay for it.
Based on all this information, freely available on the official party website, no one, no one, could reasonably argue that the BNP was not in favour of discrimination on racial grounds, with the motive of empowering the white man at the expense of others. So what's the difference between these policies and explicitly racist ones?
Fuck all.
They can dress their white supremacist policies up in cloaks of altruism, compassion, pragmatism and understanding, but the underlying desire is there for all to see... There ain't no black in the Union Jack, so why don't the niggers just fuck off back.
And of course, if all this doesn't put you off, there's always the death penalty, the gay-bashing (are those their true colours sneaking out in the URL?), and the desire to turn women back into (white) baby-making machines.
So don't you dare tell me not to worry. We've got to crush this before it starts.
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