
This take on the Hutton aftermath is outrageous...

My Word: Liar Liar by John Gibson

Now also available in fabulous Blustervision.

... but it's probably no more than I should have expected from the bastion of journalism that is Fox News.

I've decided not to bang on about the fallout from Hutton, partly because I'd start to sound like a broken record, but mostly because in this business for a broadcaster to be the story for too long is not good form. That's why I didn't take part in the "Hands off the BBC" rallies, and why I think the best way to prove our point is to get on with doing our job.

If other people want to fight our corner, that's fine, but we should keep our mouths shut and carry on providing fair, balanced and accurate reporting, and not to be afraid to ask more difficult questions in future, regardless of who's in the firing line. Let others dig their own holes.

So I'll refrain from saying much about John Gibson's take on the Hutton report, save to mention that it contains several factual inaccuracies, wholly unfounded allegations of political bias, and more partisan, unchallenged, bilious rhetoric in one minute than you'd find a BBC journalist expounding on air in an entire career.

But just read "My Word" (and the follow-up and make your own decision. Don't let the fact that John Gibson works for Rupert Murdoch (the man who would gain most from a weakened BBC) cloud your judgment.

I may not wear a Union Flag badge on my lapel at work (just lapels would be a major change!), but that's because I want everyone to be confident they'll be addressing an open mind and getting a fair hearing when they talk to me. Can the same really be said for John Gibson?

Frothing at the mouth indeed...

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