
One of the most discombobulating things about the biscuit is the fact that after almost two weeks I've still not got my cable installed. No biggie, you might think, but this means I've no telephone, to television, and no broadband. And with another whole week to go until the nice men from Telewest plug me in, my sense of disconnection from the world is increasing every day.

It's frightening how much I've come to rely on these mass media. Rather than access to them being privileges, they feel like fundamental rights, and my life feels empty without them.

There's only so much Five Live I can listen to without suffering Talk Radio Fatigue. I mean who really enjoys continuous hours of self-opinionated bastards (the listeners who phone in, not the hosts) spouting about the hot topics of the day.

(No, the irony of that comment has not escaped me).

But I'm missing my bad late-night movies (and bad TV in general), I'm missing talking to friends and family (there's only so much a boy with mortgage is prepared to fork over to Orange), and I'm missing not having to move more than a few feet to log on. What suffering, eh? God forbid I ever really have to go without.

Still at least it's given me the chance to catch up with the final season of Buffy, a mere 12 months after it finished its first run in the US.

Although quite whether 16 episodes in four days is entirely healthy, I'm not sure.

Roll on Friday...

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