
Sometimes a blog can just be used for sharing the things one likes. This is one of those times. The trailer for last year's movie Comedian was just inspired. Like so many other trailers, it features a voiceover from Hal Douglas, the gravelly-throated guy so well known to anyone who's visited a cinema in the last 30 years. But this one's different. This time Hal is very much the star.

You can watch it here (and it's a treat), but for those without the time or inclination to wait for it to download, I've copied a transcript provided by those lovely people at Empire Magazine.


The Miramax logo flashes up on screen. We hear shuffling sounds.

CUT TO INTERIOR CONTROL BOOTH: Two men, an engineer and a director, are in a recording booth. Through the window, we see an elderly gentleman cclamber onto a stool. He sits in front of a microphone and a lectern. He puts on his glasses, and slips on headphones.

CLOSE-UP: Feedback screeches through the monitor, sending dials into the red.

VOICEOVER MAN: Whoa... feedback.

A button is pressed. The red light flicks on. Recording begins. The engineer leans into the microphone.

ENGINEER: Okay, let's try this. This is the voiceover for Comedian Movie Trailer. Take one.

CLOSE-UP: Voiceover man, clearing his throat. There is a pause. Then he speaks with the voice that launched a thousand blockbusters.

VOICEOVER MAN: In a world where laughter was king...

The director presses a button, abruptly halting the recording.

DIRECTOR: Ah, no "in a world", Jack.

VOICEOVER MAN: What do you mean, no, "in a world"?

DIRECTOR: It's not that kind of movie.

VOICEOVER MAN: Oh? Okay. (pause) In a land that...

The director presses the intercom button immediately.

DIRECTOR: No "in a land" either.

VOICEOVER MAN: In a time...

DIRECTOR: Nah, I don't think so.

VOICEOVER MAN: In a land before time...

DIRECTOR: It's about a comedian Jack.


DIRECTOR: (exasperated) No.

VOICEOVER MAN: When your life is no longer your own...

DIRECTOR: Wh-what does that mean?

VOICEOVER MAN: When everything you know is wrong!

DIRECTOR: That's wrong.

VOICEOVER MAN: In an outpost...


VOICEOVER MAN: On the edge of space...

DIRECTOR: There's no space!



VOICEOVER MAN: Two girls...




VOICEOVER MAN: More than ever...

DIRECTOR: Stop it!

VOICEOVER MAN: A renegade cop!

DIRECTOR: (sighing) I hate you...

VOICEOVER MAN: A robot renegade cop!

CLOSE-UP: Voiceover man.

The director's voice comes through the intercom.

DIRECTOR: You're fired.

VOICEOVER MAN: You're fired!

DIRECTOR: No, you're actually fired.


He pauses and stares into the distance.

CUT TO: A black screen. The words: "Comedian: A film about comedy with Jerry Seinfeld" appear. As they do, the dialogue continues.

DIRECTOR: Get out of the booth, Jack.

VOICEOVER MAN: No. I like it in here!


I was never a big fan of Seinfeld. I found the slapped-bass musical stings that punctuated every scene deeply annoying, and could never get past them to the comedy. But this trailer is pure genius. If, at some point in my life. I can create something of its like, I'll know I'm on my way somewhere...

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