
Shameless plagiarist that I am it was only going to be so long before I signed up for the "101 Things in 1001 Days" project.

You can find my list of things here.

The eagle-eyed will spot that the programme actually entails more than 101 individual things, but I don't consider one trip to the theatre to require any effort. Twenty times in less than three years? That requires some dedication. And that's one of the easy ones. Learning to drive? Whole different kettle of ducks entirely.

Anyway, 101 or not, who's counting?

Long and short, you'll be able to track the progress with a running commentary o'er on t'other blog or, for those who can't face it, trust that it'll provide enough anecdotes to breathe a little more life into trusty old nb. I'm sure it will. Cos let's face it kids, things have been a little tired around here since the angry, lovesick days of 2003.

I'd better stop procrastinating and get on with stuff. So enjoy the ride. Just don't expect everything to happen at once.

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